Catchin up!
I know I havent blogged in a while. I need to catch up before I get too overwhelmed.
Firstly, I want to say that Korea has been good to me. So far I am not missing home other than for my family and friends. It is a very interesting place to be. Lots to see and learn. Here is a quick catch-up:
My Krib - I am officially settled in my place and have grown to love it. I have seen some other "kribs" and am truly blessed. I got a new fridge and TV at no cost to me and it is looking fab! My couch has officially been christened as a bed and my carpet and table really make everything come together. My cupboards are relatively full and I am working on keeping my fridge somewhat full. I doing great with the cleaning and living on my own. Someone put a ring on meh!
Teaching - I love it! I have alreadyt learned so much and have tons of tools in my teaching bag for when I actully come home and teach. My co-teachers are really nice and we continue to get along. They give me my space and dont bother me through the day. My kiddies are really sweet! I know most of their English names by heart now and have convinced Zama to let me bring one home. So y'all need to start preppin to make her part of the family. Her name is 긴 손 형 or Judy should be fine! She is the cutesttttttt!...SO GET READY!
Social-Life - So far I have made plenty of friends and continue to meet more. It was a great move joing the BSSK (Brothas and Sistas of South Korea) and SOKO (Sisters of South Korea). I have met girls from the UK, USA, and Scarborough! Craziness. I have a click that I usually roll with and they are super fun. We are always going out to hang, eat, sleep etc!
Love-life - Well I miss Z and so far no Korean man has been able to snag me away from him yet...I will keep y'all posted!
MISC - I have joined the gym, I take Koorean Lessons 2-3 times a week and becoming more fluent everyday, shopping is getting easier as I lose more weight, I am still very thankful and blessed to have this opportunity!