Monday 5 March 2012

My Pad and My Block

Apartment disaster...

So my co-teacher brought me to my apartment...I was horrified. It was filthy and stinky. So much so that I refuse to put any pictures up. I had no furniture, not even a bed (the contract states I should have a bed, table and chairs, and a television). The co-teacher and I scrambled to buy a bed (at the schools cost) before night hit. $270 later, I had a Queen size bed that would be delivered within the hour (Koreans know how to get their job done!). Still, this was not enough to make me feel even the slightest bit comfortable in my apartment. The previous owner smoked which was definitely apparent along with the fact that he did not know how to clean. It was so dirty that I couldn't take a shower (and I shower at least twice a day). The walls were brown from the cigarette smoke, curtains stained, and to this day, I am not sure what the ear-wax looking grime on my counters and stove were from. That was the first time since being in Korea that I can honestly say I wanted to go home and wondered if I had made the right decision. I spent the next 3 days cleaning like Ive never cleaned before. I still have cleaning to do but it is coming along. I have grown to actually like my place and will share some pics soon when I get it more together. I am happy to report that I am sleeping the entire night now...jet lag is gone. AND! I can shower comfortably in my new pad. Don't worry, I will get pics of it up soon.

Cafe Bene

My Block...

I live near downtown Incheon by the Arts Center. It is a pretty nice area--lots to do and see. I cannot complain about my location...just my officetel at this point. I am still working on exploring the ins and outs but so far I like what I see and eat lol.

My favourite place is called Cafe Bene. It is where I do all my facetiming and web surfing seeing as I still don't have Internet in my apartment. This place is great. The employees are super nice and the ambiance is awesome. Oh, and the food...bomb!!!

I took a pic of a typical Korean date (see pic). There was a serious drawing contest going on. Sad part is, that chick is getting way more action than I'll be getting in a while...

Korean Date - Doodle Contest!

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